Interface RelatorOptions<PrimaryType, RelatedType>

interface RelatorOptions<PrimaryType, RelatedType> {
    linkers: {
        related?: Linker<[PrimaryType, nullish | SingleOrArray<RelatedType>]>;
        relationship?: Linker<[PrimaryType, nullish | SingleOrArray<RelatedType>]>;
    metaizer?: Metaizer<[PrimaryType, nullish | SingleOrArray<RelatedType>]>;
    relatedName?: string;

Type Parameters

  • PrimaryType

  • RelatedType extends Dictionary<any> = any


linkers: {
    related?: Linker<[PrimaryType, nullish | SingleOrArray<RelatedType>]>;
    relationship?: Linker<[PrimaryType, nullish | SingleOrArray<RelatedType>]>;

A dictionary of Linkers to use for constructing links.

Type declaration


Resource object relationships for more information.

A Metaizer that gets the meta about the relationship.

relatedName?: string

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